Murder Marketing, Targeting The Ultimate Niche by Extremists

I decided to do some research and write this article after watching the murder of two white newscasters LIVE on Television (via Social Media) by a gay black man that accused them of making “racist comments”.  This was followed just a few days later by the Ambush of a White Texas Sheriff’s Deputy by a Black Male who shot him from behind with no motive and then filled him with lead as he lay on the ground.  Once again just a couple days go by and ISIS releases it’s latest gruesome execution video, this time they hog tied 4 men, hung them upside down and burn them alive with gasoline.

Can we blame video games?  Can we blame guns?  Can we blame the news media?  Our should we blame ourselves for allowing Murder Marketing?

The 24 hour news cycle that changed the world,  has given way to a minute by minute, always on and always raw Social Media News Cycle.  On Social media, everything is instant, everything is fair game (until you get caught or reported) but by that time, someone has copied, screen shot or shared your Violent Viral Content and it becomes unstoppable.  Ask yourself, how many times this year have you WITNESSED a gruesome murder on your PC, Tablet or Phone?  Ok, you probably can’t remember or can’t count them all.  Now ask yourself, how many actual footages of gruesome killings  had you seen in your lifetime before social media and mobile technology?  Probably had to go all the way back to renting The Faces of Death in High School.

People keep asking why the world is becoming more violent.  Why are there so many mass killings in America?  Why are so many Cops being Ambushed and Killed and Why are we doing seemingly nothing about ISIS (a problem we created ourselves by taking out Saddam, but I digress)

The answer is Murder Marketing.  It is FREE.  It is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE and IT IS WORKING.  

It is simple, extremist groups want to recruit crazy people to do their dirty work for them.  It is like murder for hire, but no money exchanges hands and no one on one relationship is ever established.  You just put out the message and hope that one of your target demographic is motivated enough to do what you are trying to influence them to do.

Lets look at two extreme groups.  ISIS and Black Lives Matter.

First the worse of the two.  ISIS.  When you go to youtube and search “ISIS Execution” you will find 43,000 results.  This is largely because ISIS kills “Infidels” and “traitors” every day, making damn sure to always choose new and exciting or gory ways to kill while creating videos and uploading them with high quality video production, motivational Jihad music and a call to action asking “Lone Wolves” to pick up their swords against Infidels all over the world and join the Jihad to achieve the Caliphate.  It works!   Most recently I watched a 2 year old child behead his teddy bear to make his daddy proud on Facebook.

The second is Black Lives Matter.  The name sounds like something that would be considered a no brainer.  However this radical group of activists are calling for Violence daily as they chant “No Justice, No Peace”.  Some of them even openly call for thePolice and Whites in general to be killed.  Guys like Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan who just a few weeks ago in Miami at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, said he was looking for “10,000 fearless men out of a million” to “rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”

Could that speach which was played over and over and over on Social media by over 1 Million have produced the execution style killing of the Sheriff’s deputy in Texas?

Lets look at the numbers.  10,000 is 1 % of 1 Million

According to Psychopaths make up about 1 percent of the general population and as much as 25 percent of male offenders in federal correctional settings, according to the researchers. Psychopaths are typically profoundly selfish and lack emotion.

But wait, there’s more,

According to psychologist Martha Stout in her 2005 book The Sociopath Next Door, she warned that sociopaths make up four percent of the U.S. population.

This means that 5% conservatively of the US Population is capable and even likely to commit horrible acts of murder and mass murder without remorse.  That is a HUGE Niche Market.  One rule of marketing is this. If it works, others will do it and it will continue until it stops working.  This means that until we stop allowing radicals to market to our masses, we will continue to see wholesale slaughter unlike that which we have ever seen before as a civilized society.