Trump warns White House protesters would have been met by ‘vicious dogs’, ‘ominous weapons’ if they breached fence

According to Fox News 

President Trump on Saturday praised the Secret Service for its protection of the White House during protests in Washington D.C. on Friday night, calling them “very cool & very professional” — and warned that any protesters who breached the fence would have met by “vicious dogs” and “ominous weapons.”

“Great job last night at the White House by the U.S. @SecretService. They were not only totally professional, but very cool,” Trump tweeted.

He later accused the protesters of being “professionally managed” and said cryptically that “Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???”

The White House was briefly locked down amid the protests over the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd in police custody — part of protests and riots across the country. The riots had been sparked by video that showed a police officer kneeling on Floyd’s neck, something protesters say is the latest incident of police brutality against black men.

Floyd’s death Monday – for which four Minneapolis police officers were fired Tuesday and one of them, Derek Gauvin, was arrested and charged with third-degree murder Friday – sparked protests and rioting across the U.S., from New York City and Washington, D.C., to Chicago; Columbus, Ohio, Louisville, Ky., and Dallas, to San Jose, Calif.; Los Angeles and Portland, Ore.

Trump said he “was inside, watched every move, and couldn’t have felt more safe” and indicated that anyone who had managed to get into White House grounds would have been dealt with swiftly.

They let the ‘protesters’ scream & rant as much as they wanted, but whenever someone….got too frisky or out of line, they would quickly come down on them, hard – didn’t know what hit them. The front line was replaced with fresh agents, like magic,” he said.

“Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen.” he said.

He went on to say that the Secret Service agents were “just waiting for action” and that he was told that the young agents “love it” on the frontline, seeing it as “good practice.”">