Pink’s Husband teaches daughter to shoot, Gun control crowd loses their sh*t!

At least someone in HollyWood gets it!  Carey Hart who is married to the artist pink poked the bear we all know as the “parent police” with a video of him teaching his daughter how to shoot. Hart states that, “I’m raising the kids with knowledge of fire arms, how to handle them, shoot them, store them, and avoid them in uneducated hands. #knowledgeispower” As you can imagine the gun control crowd flipped their shit criticizing harts actions. However, we believe like Hart that teaching them early will prevent future tragedies. They will understand what to do should they encounter a firearm. What is irresponsible is the gun controls ignorance is bliss when it comes to firearms. Not teaching your children what to do creates some serious hazards. They will not know what to do and that in and of itself is dangerous!

Hart is no stranger to guns. There are a couple of post one featuring his new carry piece done by Dark Alliance Firearms. However like the video. It too came under scrutiny by the anti gun crowd.

Either way we think what he is doing is awesome and portrays gun owners in a positive light. Something that needs to be done more often!">