Patriot does NOT mean Right Wing Christian

We the People

By: Spike Bowan

©frogdogwriting 2013


There is much debate and criticism as to what and who we are. The “Patriot” movement has been labeled by some as “Right wing Christian extremists”. Well, I can honestly tell you that this is not true.

Are there Christians among our ranks? Sure are, as well as Pagans, Wiccans, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, Hindu and more. To label all of us according to your own ignorance is laughable at best. I will do my best to educate and inform those out there that are brainwashed by the likes of the Main Stream Media. Seeing as people label us as “tea baggers” and “Bible thumping rednecks”.

The Ethos of the Patriot is simple. (Ethos means character) We believe in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the Republic of the United States. Yes, I said “Republic”. We are not a Democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic. Perhaps more people would know this if schools actually taught it. Sadly, people in our society have become so apathetic that they don’t care.

As Patriots, we believe that the government works for the people. Not corporate conglomerates and banks. We believe that the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches have become so corrupt that they are a cancer. A cancer spreading throughout the world and making it sick. Strangling the life out of our once great Nation.

We believe whole heartedly that our Right to Bear Arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED. No one, no man, no government, no law, no God has the right to say that we can not protect ourselves and our families against those that would do us harm. To be so naïve or arrogant to say such a thing is disgusting and a blatant lie. Many of these politicians that say guns are the problem are hypocrites. Because who are they protected by? That’s right, bodyguards with guns. I have never had a person tell me that they would not defend themselves when an attacker was trying to kill them or rape them. They can’t, when you put it into a context that makes them the victim usually a new perspective unfolds to that person. It is the natural human response to try and fight to protect ones self. You can’t deny it. The nature of the beast overrides whatever “lies” that person believes or says. We as Patriots want the best way to protect ourselves and our families. That would be with the use of our Legally owned firearms.

Less government, more Constitution. Can’t understand the Constitution or the Bill of Rights? Read the Federalist Papers. It will map it out for you. Too lazy to do that? Then you are what is wrong with this country.

We are Patriots. We are the III% willing to do what needs to be done to restore the country.

We are the People.

We are your teachers, your utilities workers, your paramedics, police and firemen.

We are your neighbors, your families, your co-workers.

We are the guy bagging groceries at the store.

We are the postal worker dropping off your mail.

We are the Veterans, the social worker at the hospital and the lady at the donut shop serving your coffee.

We are everywhere. We are Legion. We are the People and we want our country back.

You want our weapons? Come and take them. You aren’t going to get them without a fight.


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