While so called SJW Feminists Paraded around the U.S. Yesterday, wearing vagina hats and skipping out on their jobs and schools, thousands of REAL women, were fighting for their freedom.
Freedom from the socio-political ideology and zealotry of ISIS. ISIS, who would have these women beheaded or stoned just for speaking in public.
Under Sharia Law these women would have to be covered, couldn’t go to school, drive a car, hold a job or vote. They can’t even leave the house unless accompanied by a Male relative or her Husband. Husbands are allowed to beat the women when they “misbehave”. Genital mutilation, honor killings and rape are a daily occurrence in Islamic countries.
And American women wear vagina hats. Looking for free birth control. Really?
This is what a REAL Woman’s fight for equality, suffrage and independence looks like.

So American women think they have it rough? Try fighting for the right to live.
Here endeth the lesson.