Just gonna go and post the video first.
So with that posted here is the article.
The Clarion Project writes-
As if all the other videos we’ve brought you weren’t enough, now ISIS uses an empty building for its child soldiers to hunt and kill bound prisoners.
In its latest video, ISIS places bound prisoners in an abandoned building and then lets loose child soldiers to hunt and kill them.
Clarion Project condemns ISIS and its action with every fiber in our collective body but believes the truth must be told about the evil that is ISIS. That is why we decided to publish this video.
SO let’s look at this from all sides. Yes We are all aware that it’s fucked up, but is it really? With one of the undisputed worst parts of combat being taking a life, and not knowing if you have what it takes to pull in that time, this training certainly solves that. By desensitizing the children at an early stage, this could make them more ruthless fighters. Think of it like grade school for sociopaths. These kids unlike OUR children are growing up in a different place, where death is in full view on a daily basis.
On the other hand it’s fucked up, kids shouldn’t be tutored in the acts of war at this age. War is a mans domain, and a child’s mind will undoubtedly be damaged by this practice. While watching this video I however had some other revelations. WTF is going on with their firearm safety and skills? Many times in this video do you see the lead kid being straight on flagged executioner style by his tiny sociopath squad mates. Their bounding, and room clearing tactics are also an interesting practice. This leads me to believe that Johnny Jihad is betting that these kids will be more of cannon fodder than actual combatants. Using this shocking practice will be more of a demoralizing force than a fighting one.
All said and done, FUCK this, and FUCK these assholes, we need to dirt nap these FUCKERS like yesterday