Sheriff David Clarke disinvited from campus speaking, because he opposes #BlackLivesMatter

Sheriff Clarke is well known in the eye of the Media, especially as of late.

So when I heard that a Cowardly Liberal school dis-invited him from speaking at their campus, I did some digging. Sheriff Clarke was set to speak at the school and then received a phone call from the school saying that they didn’t want him to attend because of his stance AGAINST the Black Lives Matter terrorists.

Then, the University tried a typical passive aggressive rebuttal on social media when the outcry from campus faculty and students in FAVOR of Sheriff Clarke’s speaking grew to loud for them [UNH] to handle.

The University of New Haven posted this comment on their Facebook page:

“The University is aware that some people, including current students and alumni, are upset that Sheriff David Clarke’s invitation to speak at the Markle Symposium was rescinded. As an institution of higher learning, we fully support free speech and value the marketplace of ideas. Unfortunately, circumstances did not permit Sheriff Clarke’s attendance at this year’s symposium, and we respect the resulting divergent reactions among the University community.”

Sheriff Clarke is the type of man to let by gones be by gones, however this social media blunder on UNH’s part forced the Honorable Sheriffs hand. Here is what Sheriff Clarke had to say:

“Did you catch that?  “Circumstances did not permit” me to come.  That’s the kind of shadowy language guilty people use…  and believe me, I’ve seen many guilty people over the course of my 38 years of law enforcement.

  When the University disinvited me — telling my assistant the reason was because of my stance against #BlackLIESMatter, I was okay with it.  I was working this event into an already full schedule.  But the cowardly official response from the school is just too much.

  “Circumstances did not permit” me to attend?

  President Steven H. Kaplan, I understand why you don’t want people to know that a predominantly white college won’t let a black man speak on campus because of your incredible support for minorities.  That doesn’t even pass the “straight face test.”  If you think my beliefs should prohibit me from speaking about collecting, preserving, and analyzing evidence, that’s your decision as a private school.

  Own it as a “decision” the university made… not that I was a victim of circumstances.  At least have the courage of your convictions.”

Please, PLEASE somebody get this man into the White House! If only more politicians were like this, then maybe; just maybe the American people would have a fighting chance.">