How many shell casing were found on a single lot of Ferguson will blow your mind

Tactical Shit was honored to sit down today with a ranking officer in a St. Louis police department that will remain anonymous.  This supervisor is “fed up” and wants you to know some of the things not being covered by traditional media outlets.   He says “morale is down” and “officers don’t even want to get out of their cars anymore”.  He went on to say the feeling is “You may win the fight, but you will never survive the aftermath, so why bother?”.

His first story begins just two days before the grand jury decision was released.  St. Louis County PD put out an inter departmental memo “order” regarding the use of tactical vests, plate carriers and body armor.  With 3 months to plan for this, the order came out just two days prior to hostilities.  The order required any officer planning to carry body armor in there vehicle to provide an NIJ Letter for the armor.  It furthermore stated that carriers must be brown or black, must say police on the front and back in white letters and MUST HAVE A NAME TAG.  The officers reportedly feel that this was intentionally last minute to reduce the amount of officers in the Platoon that would look “miliitarized”.  He said this added to the inability of officers in Ferguson on that Monday night of the decision to position themselves to return fire.  He said that in some cases marked patrols and ranking officers were pinned down and surrounded in crossfire.  When I asked; “why did they not shoot back?” he said: “shoot back at what?” They were everywhere and nowhere at once.  “Behind houses, in buildings, in alleys, behind cars, in cars.”  He said the rate of fire and rounds impacting police vehicles was overwhelming and “everybody just stayed down.”

He said: “it was like we were standing in a sea of gasoline just watching the flare come in, it was great that no officers were hurt, but it is because we didn’t do anything.”

To prove his point, he advised me of some interesting statistics that you won’t hear anywhere but here:

The day after the decision, all of West Florrisant Road in Ferguson and Dellwood was shut down as they processed hundreds of “crime scenes”.  Essentially the entire block was a crime scene.  At Reds BBQ at the corner of West Forissant and Cannfield near where this all began, St. Louis County Crime Unit processed this single parking lot and and found the following results

  • In the Red’s Barbecue parking lot alone, sixty-six shell casings were recovered
  • 21  of them were from a single AR-15
  • The remaining shell casings originated from seventeen separate firearms using extractor markings to ID

That means in ONE PARKING LOT, there were 18 different guns that fired a total of 66 rounds at or near responding Police and Fire Units.

Why is that not on the news?

The worst part of this is the intentional deterioration of the morale of our thin blue line.  I have a theory that it is part of the master plan and I will explain in a followup to this story once I have better numbers to share.">