New Hillary EMAILS reveal Soros’ influence

Money talks? From Ferguson to unrest overseas, new reports reveal Soros’ manipulation

(FOX)- Newly leaked emails and other files from billionaire George Soros’ web of organizations are shedding light on the liberal powerbroker’s extensive influence in political and diplomatic affairs.

One email chain shows the Wall Street titan in 2011 personally wrote then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, urging intervention in Albania’s political unrest. Within days, an envoy he recommended was dispatched to the region.

Other emails seem to show Soros using his billions to push an anti-Israel agenda, while other documents reportedly detail funding for various grassroots organizations that were loosely linked to the 2014 unrest in Ferguson, Mo.

The revelations mostly stem from a recent hack by a group called DC Leaks – which describes itself as “American hacktivists who respect and appreciate freedom of speech, human rights and government of the people.”

The files – all 2,576 of them from 2008 to 2016 – were released Saturday and provide an eye-opening look into Soros’ political operations.

In a Jan. 23, 2011 email, Soros adviser Jonas Rolett sent Richard Verma, then-assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs, a letter to “Hillary” about the situation in Albania. At the time, the country was seeing an escalation of political instability and violence fueled by accusations of corruption involving the prime minister.

Soros’ email provided instructions on what the American response should be and gave Clinton the names of three possible mediators who could provide analysis of the crisis.

“I believe two things need to be done urgently: 1. Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements. 2. Appoint a senior European official as a mediator,” the letter said.

He suggested three mediators, including Miroslav Lajcak, saying “all three … have strong connections to the Balkans.” He added, “My foundation in Tirana is monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.”
