Virginia Senators Take Northam’s Anti-Gun Agenda To Congress

According to Firearm Chronicles

Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner are big fans of Gov. Ralph Northam’s gun control agenda; so much so that the pair have introduced federal legislation that would impose the same kind of gun control laws on the whole of the United States that Northam’s enacted in Virginia.

The “Virginia Plan to Reduce Gun Violence Act of 2020” includes a national mandate for red flag laws, universal background checks, a “one-gun-a-month” handgun rationing plan, and more, though interestingly enough the measure does not include the centerpiece of Northam’s anti-gun agenda; a sweeping gun, magazine, and suppressor ban that failed to pass out of the state Senate earlier this year.

According to the senators, the bill is nothing more than a collection of a few “reasonable measures” that would reduce violent crime.

“Too many communities across the Commonwealth have been affected by gun violence. That’s why earlier this month, Virginia led the charge by adopting reasonable measures to help prevent future tragedies. Now it’s time for Congress to act,” said Warner, who faces a re-election battle this fall. “Today, we are introducing a commonsense approach to help make our communities safer by helping to keep guns out of the wrong hands while still respecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners. We owe it to victims and their families to stop talking about the problem and start doing something to address it and this bill is an important step in that direction.”">