[VIDEO] Sheriff David Clarke Crushes Don Lemon Over Hateful Black Lives Matter

Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke, demolishes Don Lemon in this report.

Every time Sheriff Clarke makes a valid point, Don Lemon dodges and cowers away in true Liberal media fashion. Deflecting and pointing fingers at the Sheriff.

In the past several days we have seen multiple reports on CNN(or as I like to call them the ‘Control the News Now’ channel) get cut off in mid report because someone; a reporter, a guest, an interviewee, started saying something that didn’t fit their leftist agenda.

Sheriff Clarke is spot on when he says that “…the Black Lives Matter movement is a lie…” and that “…anti-cop rhetoric has stemmed from this violent vile movement…” -(para-phrasing)

Sheriff Clarke argues that there is no data that proves law enforcement officers treat black males more aggressively than white males and when Don Lemon can’t win, he cuts off the report like a butt hurt little coward. Much like the child who doesn’t get his way on the play ground and takes his ball, and heads home. Petulant child.

