Director of education with “Connecticut Carry” reacts to the pathetic attempt to suppress the Second Amendment in Connecticut by it’s Democrat Governor.
I have many friends in Connecticut that are avid firearms enthusiasts. When news first came out about this ludicrous hike in fees, many of them were ready to pack up and move.
This is an assault on the Second Amendment, and I truly feel that it comes from a demented Liberal mindset of, “…if they can’t afford to purchase or carry a gun, then they won’t choose to own a gun…”
It’s the same type of mindset of raising taxes on tobacco and alcohol. Guess, what Libtards? People are still smoking and drinking. If you think for one second that this is going to achieve anything you’re kind of right. People will honestly pack up and leave your state. Loss of residence, loss of work force, loss of revenue in state taxes. Don’t believe me? I know of at least 2 dozen people ready to do it.
Leave it to the Leftist anti-gunners to try and use bureaucratic red tape and legal loop holes to achieve their totalitarian agendas.