Tons and tons of people are up in arms over President Trumps blocking of Refugees!
Protests at airports, marches through the center of major metropolitan cities. But how quickly they forget. They forget things like in 2011, Obama banned refugees from countries like Iraq for 6 months. Where were the protests and outrage then?
Or when Adulterer in Chief Bill Clinton and his goon Janet Reno sent in an armed response team to take custody of a little Cuban refugee boy to send him back?
Where were the outcries for “justice” then?
There were none. The Democrats Cheered largely.
The sheep are so quick to jump on whatever Liberal Band wagon that CNN, Huffington Post and MSNBC tell them too. The fact that they have next to no clue as to what is actually going on or the fact that “their party’s” ideals and views are hypocritical at every turn doesn’t even phase them. They’re just ready to march and riot at the drop of George Soros’ hat.
This should be frightening to everyone.