Tag: Years

Pelosi Hammer Attacker Sentenced to 30 Years
The Hammer Man – David DePape, 44, was sentenced to 30 years in jail. This was after attacked Paul Pelosi at his San Francisco home on October 28, 2022. In fashion The Pelosis asked the judge hand down a long jail sentence for the attacker. During his testimony, DePape wept on the stand and apologized […]
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Oklahoma Hunter Facing 12 Years In Prison After Accidentally Leaving 4 Bullets In His Luggage
In the US we often take our rights for granted, this scenario is terrible for the people involved, and should serve as a reminder why fighting for ALL your rights is so important! MSM writes An Oklahoma man is behind bars in Turks & Caicos and facing 12 YEARS in prison after airport security found […]
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