Tactical Shit 3 Gun Mistakes

The sport of three gun is incredibly addictinig.  However, it is equally as humbling.  Here is the video compilation from our 2nd Gateway 3 Gun Brownells Points Challenge.  You will see some of our errors as you watch the video since a perfect stage was not found.  I will summarize what we learned from our mistakes below so hopefully you won’t have too.



Off the bat stage one:

TJ just installed a Leupold Mark 6 Illuminated Optic on his rifle the night before and had not had a chance to zero or practice with it.  Not being able to find eye relief quickly, he transitioned to the Diamond Head 45 Degree Switchblade sights and lost time before he even go moving.  Even worse, TJ broke a cardinal rule in zeroing your rifle.  Because he did not have time to zero before the match, he moved the rifles original red dot optic forward on the rail and zeroed the scope with the red dot figuring “it will be close enough”.  WRONG.  after second stage TJ discovered the optic was shooting 6 inches left and 7 inches low at 25 yards.  TJ was able to physically zero his rifle during lunch but only after pissing in his hat the first three stages.


Stage 1 at :27 TJ goes to his knees with his Beneli Super Black Eagle II and aquires the target only to hear the worst sound in 3 gun, a click.  MISTAKE, TJ learned that before staging your shotgun in the barrel, you should push the bolt release to feed a round from the magazine into the carrier, therefore enabling a single rack/load each time.

Stage 1 at :47 you will notice that the wind had blown  over a paper target and TJ engaged the target on the ground which was the correct thing to do in order to avoid a Failure to Engage.

Still all in all, 37 seconds was not a bad time for TJ on stage 1

Stage 2 Epic FAIL.  Not only were the sights off a mile, but TJ forgot to dial the 6x back to 1x and had trouble finding the targets in so close.  He got over 90 points on this stage and was effectively f*cked.

Stage 3 1:47  TJ had it dialed in and started running shit like a beast.  Notice the wheel started spinning before he took his first shot at it.

Stage 4 2:19 was the shotgun reload and reload and reload stage.  First mistake was NOT killing all the arms of the Texas Star.  Notice the one TJ missed that then hid behind the barrel.

Stage 4 2:49 Next EPIC FAIL was not making the gong spin 180 degrees.  WHy, because TJ was not listening when they ran through the stage and did not know that you needed to do that.

Stage 5   TJ took a minute to adjust for the 100 yards and the high winds but then breezed through the long range and finished strong on the shotgun.


Lots of mistakes but still one of the most fun days we have had this year.  Look forward to the next contest and shooting smarter (notice I didn’t say better)

Special Thanks to Brownells (even though we sell shit cheaper than them) and AP Custom as well as our sponsor Voodoo Innovations.




