Videos of Kyle Rittenhouse’s defensive shooting can be found on Twitter. If porn is your thing, Twitter has you covered (that link is definitely NSFW). If you want to see five cops beat Tyre Nichols to death, Twitter has a video of that as well.
What appears to be beyond the pale in terms of Elon Musk’s social media platform? I’m looking for photos. We’re not talking about bloody field dressing or wound channel images here. We’re talking about people posing with their catch after a kill.
Senator Steve Daines of Montana, an avid hunter, discovered this the hard way when he used a photo of himself and his wife posing with an antelope she had killed as his avatar. Twitter’s fragile flowers, who appear to have exceptionally delicate sensibilities, shut down the Senator’s account until he replaced the image.
Sen. Steve Daines’ office says he was suspended from Twitter because of the below profile pic showing him and his wife hunting. Spox for NRSC: “This is insane. Twitter should immediately reverse this suspension.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) February 7, 2023
Here’s the full image.
The Senator’s account was shut down as a result.
Since Musk purchased Twitter, he has made public the extent to which federal government agencies have coopted Big TechTM to muzzle speech they find inconvenient, as well as social media’s role in spreading outright lies via corporate news outlets. He’s also started to remove the algorithmic chains from accounts (like ours) that the previous management found objectionable.
Clearly, the billionaire still has a lot of work to do. Given the other content on the platform, the snowflake who judged a Senator’s trophy photo to be in violation of Twitter’s media policy needs…counseling. He or she appears to be unaware that there are thousands of similar images already on the platform.
We believe this situation will be resolved soon, and Senator Daines will not be forced to replace the image. But let’s wait and see.
UPDATE: The Senator’s account has been restored, complete with the hunting photo avatar.