Range Fights For Its Life As Neighbors Try To Shut It Down

According to firearmchronicles

Panteao has a ton of videos on all manner of weapons handling as well as a handful of other neat skills. Most are filmed at Panteao’s own range, apparently, and now it looks like that range has come under fire.

Last month Swansea resident Susan Smith was standing on her property “when a bullet pierced the air approximately five feet from me,” Smith said in a lawsuit filed this week in Lexington County state court. “The sound of a passing high-powered bullet has an unmistakable and unique sound — a high pitched ‘zing,’ ” she wrote in an affidavit attached to the lawsuit, in which she is one of 10 plaintiffs suing Panteao Sportsman’s Club, a 76-acre outdoor collection of ranges for pistols, rifles and shotguns, over “rogue bullets” and a “warzone” atmosphere marked by “penetrating, reverberating gunfire and blasts.” “I was terrified,” Smith wrote, adding she ‘” immediately took cover in fear behind a large tree to try to shield myself from being killed by a stray bullet.” Five feet from her, she says. What, did she measure it?

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