It is not a question of RIGHTS, it is a question of maturity and “is it right?”
This is a rant from an Admin at Real Patriots of America.
I need to rant. This may make some of you mad, I hope not but I need to express my opinion and maybe spark some discussion. You all have seen the videos of the open carriers with AR’s and AK’s walking down the street intentionally looking to for that shock factor and to prompt a confrontation with police. Yes, I know, in those places it was LEGAL. But just because something is legal, it doesn’t make it SMART
Think about it for a minute. There are pro-gunners and there are anti- gunners. You are not going to change the minds of those people either way. But there is an even greater number of people who don’t even think about it either way. It is not in their daily thought. Many of those however may have friends and family who own guns or hunt and if push came to shove would lean pro-gun in an election. That is, unless they are exposed to a negative view of gun owners. Hey, I carry every day but seeing a guy with an AK slung over his shoulder walking around would give even me an uneasy feeling, so what do you think it’s going to do to the non- gun owning person on the fence of pro or anti gun ownership? Yes, I know you CAN, but why should you. This is how anti laws get passed, from the urging and support of the people you just scared the hell out of. Start using your head.
Even in an open carry state, is it the smart thing to do from a tactical standpoint? The best tactic is the element of surprise. So let’s suppose I’m a robber and I walk into my local 711 to make a “withdrawal” to buy my morning fix of heroin or crack and there you are with your Slurpee in one hand and your bag of Jalapeño Combos in the other, with your badass Glock swinging on your hip. Guess who I’m shooting first? That was a tactically stupid move on your part because you showed the bad guy your hand before you even knew he was there.
But you say, I CAN, and BUT IT’S LEGAL, and, “I want to change people’s minds and show them they have a right to carry!!!!!
Do you want to change opinions? Acting like a cowboy won’t do that. It makes you and the rest of us look stupid. If you want to change opinions, invite someone who doesn’t shoot to go to the range with you. Or better yet, organize a LEARN TO SHOOT DAY, at your local range. And don’t put a 44 mag or a 12 gauge shotgun in the hands of a first time shooter. A woman in Missouri was recently killed because of that stupid MACHO act. Expose them to a .22 and teach them safety and show them how fun and rewarding the sport of shooting can be. The first time they shoot a group, they are hooked.
Ok, my work is done here, my rant is complete, let’s hear it. -3%