One Shot At John “Tig” Teigen Patriot Rally

According to 9news

A private security guard is being held as a suspect in a deadly shooting near the Denver Art Museum, according to the Denver Police Department (DPD).

Matthew Doloff, 30, is being held at the Denver Downtown Detention Center on suspicion of first degree murder. He has not been formally charged

Doloff was contracted through Pinkerton by 9NEWS. It has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to contract private security to accompany staff at protests.

DPD originally took two people into custody and later found the second individual, a 9NEWS producer who works in the investigative unit, was not involved in the incident. The producer is no longer in police custody and is not a suspect.

This incident occurred beneath a city police surveillance camera and police confirmed they have footage of what happened.

DPD said that a little before 3:50 p.m. there was some sort of verbal altercation just as protesters were leaving the area.">