Division. The RNC has been a Dog and Pony show of the highest disgusting example possible.
The “Never Trump” forces are trying to force a vote on a rule package in an attempt to undermine Donald Trump and advance their own agendas. The RNC chose Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., to preside over the GOP convention Monday afternoon and quash a demand for a roll-call vote on a controversial rules package by forces who oppose Donald Trump.
We can’t even stand together in unity, to try and stop the destruction of America by the likes of #CrookedKillary and Obama’s Socialist Politically Correct Apologetic Utopia. If we do not stand together, the country is going to be lost forever.
Here is what Fox News Reports:
(FOX)- The House Republican brass often summons Womack to preside over combustible debates in Congress. And on at least two occasions, the House Republican leadership has installed Womack in the chair when they needed someone to tilt the playing field to secure a particular outcome.
Such was the case in January 2012 when Democrats and Republicans alike were demanding a vote on a bill to provide relief for millions of people in New York, New Jersey and elsewhere following Superstorm Sandy.
With Womack presiding, a Republican congressman tried to adjourn the House over the bipartisan wishes of lawmakers wanting the House to consider the Sandy legislation. In much the same way that things unfolded Monday afternoon in Cleveland, Womack called for those in favor of adjourning to yell “aye” and those opposed to shout “nay.” Only a skeleton crew of lawmakers blurted a meek “aye” in favor of adjournment. The boisterous lawmakers hoping to get a vote on the Sandy bill ear-splittingly screeched “no!”
As the presiding officer wielding the gavel, Womack paused for a moment and gripped the rostrum. He inhaled deeply and grimaced, turning his head to the right as he pondered what he should do. The noes had clearly prevailed – at least audibly. Yet the House was supposed to adjourn. So Womack weighed this decision in silence for what seemed like an eternity, holding those occupying the House floor in rapt attention.