Obama Commutes Traitor Mannings Sentence!

Obama’s Chelsea Manning decision: President’s dangerous move reveals scary take on our national security

If the Obama Administration has proven anything, it is that they don’t give two shits about National Security unless it pertains to covering up their dirty laundry.

This latest scandal, in a LONG list of scandals; only proves what many of us have known for 8 years now. Obama is/was a horrendous President!

To commute the prison sentence of Bradley/Chelsea Manning; is to spit on the people of our once great Nation.

(FOX News Reports)- The commutation of Chelsea Manning’s prison term will forever be a blot on President Obama’s legacy. Just as the pardon granted Marc Rich by President Clinton on his last day in office became a totem of the odious pay-to-play money grubbing of Bill and Hillary, l’affaire Manning will be an enduring reminder of Obama’s constant pandering to special voter groups and mindless adherence to a progressive agenda.


Private Bradley Manning was court-martialed in 2013 and found guilty of leaking 700,000 documents, the largest dump of military secrets in our history and the first case involving large-scale publishing of classified information via WikiLeaks.

In announcing the “guilty” verdicts on 17 of 22 charges brought against him and on an amended 4 others, the judge in the case agreed that Manning had released Afghan and Iraq war logs, embassy cables and Guantanamo files “with reason to believe such information could be used to the injury of the U.S…” She let Manning off on the most serious charge – that of “aiding the enemy”, which at the time meant Al Qaeda. If convicted of that offense, Manning could have been sentenced to death under the Espionage Act.

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