Progressives believe the United States Constitution is antiquated. They regard the Holy Bible as a work of fiction. They want to destroy any and all traditions that stand in the way of their globalist utopian fantasies.
When they don’t get their way these days, they blame Donald Trump.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is the progressive movement’s poster boy. According to KCRA-TV, Newsom, like all good progressives — who may as well be bees in a hive — is blaming Trump by labeling Judge Cory Wilson, a Trump appointee to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, a radical.
On Thursday, a federal court overturned a California law that prohibited people with domestic violence restraining orders from owning firearms. Wilson’s decision enraged Newsom.
“Wake up, America — this assault on our safety will only accelerate,” Newsom spouted in a statement.
“This is serious — and it’s coming to California. We are probably only weeks away from another activist judge, Judge Roger Benitez, striking down California’s bans on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. California will continue to fight against these extremist judges to protect our residents’ right to be free from gun violence.”
The California law targeted people who the state believed posed a threat to domestic violence. According to attorney George Gedulin, you don’t need much evidence to obtain a restraining order in California. Anyone with a grudge against California’s gun laws could take advantage of them.
But that was not the reason the federal court overturned it.
The law was declared unconstitutional by the federal court because it failed the Bruen test.
According to KCRA, the Bruen test stems from a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision requiring gun laws to have a “historical analogy” to the gun regulations that existed when the Constitution was written.
In other words, gun laws must be consistent with the intentions of the Constitution’s framers. As a result, the Second Amendment is never out of date.
Wilson concluded, using the Bruen test, that California’s gun ban for those with domestic violence restraining orders was “an outlier that our forefathers would never have accepted.”
The historical context is and always will be important. Without it, the ideas that have made America the world’s greatest political experiment are left open to interpretation.
This is just what the progressives are after. They want to remake America in their own image, so the Constitution can mean anything they want it to.
When a Trump-appointed judge, such as Wilson, writes a ruling that forces progressives into historical cohesion, it enrages them to the point of defying the law. According to KCRA, despite the federal court’s decision, the rule remains in effect in California.
It’s no wonder with Newsom spewing rhetoric like, “A federal appeals court has ruled domestic abusers have the right to carry firearms. Where do you draw the line? “Who’s up next?”
“These three zealots are hellbent on a deranged vision of guns for all, leaving government powerless to protect its people,” Newsom said of Wilson, Judge James Ho, and Judge Edith Jones, who voted to overturn the law.
“This is what the ultra-conservative majority of the U.S. Supreme Court wants,” Newsom continued. “It’s happening, and it’s happening right now.”
Newsom appears to prefer that the people be powerless to protect themselves from the government.
Progressives attempt to make history irrelevant. Anyone who invokes history becomes a radical ultra-conservative.
They fail to recognize that without history to guide us into the future, we are as helpless as a weather balloon in a storm. Rather than dismissing the past, we must learn from it. We try to keep the good things going and keep the bad things from happening again.
It is not simple. It takes time, often a lot of time. But, one step at a time, we strive for a more perfect union. We’ve come a long way, but there’s still a long way to go.
Progressives would throw out history in their pursuit of perfection. The Bible teaches that in a fallen world, there is no perfection, only striving.
Progressives will also have nothing to do with biblical wisdom. It’s far too radical, historical, and traditional.
They should be ashamed.