Mans Wife Threatens To Red Flag Him If He Buys More Guns!

St. Louis, Mo

A customer at TacticalShit retail store reports that his wife of many years is now threatening to use red flag laws as a way to curtail his gun and ammo spending habits.

The shithead in question will remain nameless for his own protection.

The shithead made this statement as he walked out with his brand new Maxim Defense PDX in FDE.

Quick thinking TacticalShit employees advised him to put a lampshade on it and told him to tell her it was a lamp for his man-cave in the basement.

Could this be an alarming new trend? Are we worried about the right oppressors?

We have spent so much time raising awareness about the unconstitutionality of red flag laws and how our government will use them against us, we have missed another more feared oppressor, our own wives.  Allowing Red Flag Laws to exist is giving her another way to stifle our defense spending at home.

Don’t let your wife Red Flag You, Bro.  This is a public service announcement from Tactical Shit.">