The US Department Of Treasury released an update to the sanction list in connection to the Russian – Ukranian conflict today and it appears that as a result of the change to sanctions the US has banned VEPR rifles and shotguns from further import. Well not really banned, but United States based businesses are prohibited from doing business with Molot-Oruzhie going forward. I imagine that any products that have been purchased already and are in the process of import will be available for purchase, but anything past that will become very scarce like the Saiga rifles and shotguns several years ago.
Before you get too angry and start screaming ‘THIS IS POLITICS’ and smashing your face into the keyboard, there are sometimes when the effects of political actions make a drastic impact on the American shooter. As much as I hate writing about laws, regulations, and sanctions I am forced to from time to time while maintaining as non-political of a stance as possible.
Hrachya H. spotted the update to the sanction list posted today and wasn’t able to write about it, but nice spot! Getting the information out to shooters that have been eyeing that VEPR for the last several years will be pleased with the chance to grab their VEPR before supplies dry up. I would move fast if you are looking at one.
So why has Molot-Oruzhie been placed on the sanctions list? The Department fo Treasury cites that a connection to Kalashnikov Concern is the reason they are now sanctioned just like other Russian arms giant. While I wasn’t able to find hard proof of a connection I suspect that Hrachya was correct in the article he posted about Molot being bankrupt and was to be sold. (Read that post HERE) Hrachya stated that he felt Kalashnikov Concern was the only company that was capable or willing to buy the failed Molot. If that did in fact happen, that would be the reason that Molot was added to the sanction list.