Knockout Game – Mamma Said "Knock you Out!"



By: Spike Bowan

©frogdogwriting 2013

The new game that is sweeping the nation, “Knock Out”. Also known as “Point ’em out, Knock ’em out”. The object of the game is for a member of a group of teenagers to “Knock out” an unsuspecting victim that the rest of the group indicates. The media is just now jumping on the band wagon of this horrifically violent game although it has been covered on Facebook for a while now.

With the aid of Skype, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram; this sick and twisted excuse for entertainment has gone viral and is sweeping the nation. There are already fatalities from this “game”. A 60 year old woman fell prey to this game when she opened fire into the group of teens that attacked her, killing two. Click the Link below for the full story.

knockout-gameThese teens assaulted a teacher. The victim was out cold and couldn’t even catch himself to prevent his face from hitting the pavement.


With this SICK, DEMENTED, and SOCIOPATHIC CRAZE trending you need to be ready. Here are some tips that could help you avoid the opportunity of becoming a victim.

Avoid becoming a knock out victim

1- Try to travel in a group of no less than 2 people when possible. If you and your friends are out for the night, STAY TOGETHER!

2- Parking. Shopping center, the Mall, work; Park under a street light. Park close to the entrance. The more visible you are to the general public the better.

3- Don’t be easy prey. Take your DAMN EYES AWAY FROM YOUR SMART PHONE! Don’t text and walk, F Facebook! You can check that crap when you get home. If you are walking down the street eyes glued to your smart phone like a good little automaton; you ARE EASY PREY!

4- Avoid large groups. If you are walking down the street and a group of 5 or 10 teens is walking toward you, cross the street. Go into the convenience store that is close to you. Don’t turn your backs on these kids. (How F***ing sad is it that I have to write to adults and tell them how to avoid a group of kids? WTF?)

5- If you are like me, then you work in a shitty urban neighborhood and are a concealed carry gun owner. It is getting colder where I live and that means more layers. How is your ability to draw from a concealed “layered” carry? If you are going to draw your LEGAL firearm to protect yourself; then you better be able. Practice your draw with an UNLOADED WEAPON! HELL, use your hand and make it look like a gun to practice. NO ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGES FOLKS!

6- Know the LAW OF THE LAND! Every State and/or Commonwealth has different laws when it comes to self defense.

7- If you are jamming on your Ipod, take out an ear bud. In the service, we were forbidden to have headphones on/in. Might get creamed by a car or a 2nd Lieutenant with a compass and map.

8- Be aware of your surroundings. A reflection in a window can allow you to increase your field of vision. Having your back to the wall is a good idea as well. To this day I always have to be facing the door in a restaurant.

9- Exude confidence.  You may not be the baddest mf’r in town but when you are out and alone, you better act like it.  Walk tall.  Keep your chin up and by all means, keep your head on a swivel.

10- Situation awareness.  Let your primal brain control your eye movement.  Constantly scan for threats.  Run scenarios through your mind.  If this guy does this, I am going to do that.

Please, be safe out there. Society is going to HELL IN A HAND BASKET! I leave you with the following Youtube video:



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