Huffington Post writer calls violence ‘logical’ response to Trump

A writer for the Huffington Post is defending his recent op-ed that “a violent response” is the “logical” approach to stopping presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Fox News Reports: Jesse Benn wrote in the op-ed titled “Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any,” posted on Monday, “[T]here’s an inherent value in forestalling Trump’s normalization. Violent resistance accomplishes this.”

“These denunciations of violence from anti-Trump protestors rest on the misguided view that the divide Trump’s exposed is a typical political disagreement between partisans, and should be handled as such.,” he wrote. “This couldn’t be further from the truth. Trump might not be a fascist in the 20th century European sense of the term—though many of his supporters are—but he might represent its 21st century US version.”

“Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change,” Benn wrote. “It’s not liberal politicians or masses that historians identify as the spark underlying the modern movement for LGBTQ equality. Nor was it a think piece from some smarmy liberal writer. It was the people who took to the streets during the Stonewall Uprising.” (Read More)

So if we follow this idiots logic, then wouldn’t it stand to be that “Trump Supporters” should retaliate? Or more to the point, all of us that are sick and tired of crime, and rioters, and ghettos in our cities; according to the psychotic logic that Jesse Benn has spewed from his suck hole, we should all take to the streets in vigilante justice. Burn down the abandoned buildings. Execute criminals in the streets and take back our cities and towns.

Jesse Benn says that violence is acceptable to effect change. I’m just trying to follow his thought process and I must admit, I have a headache and I’m pretty sure that I lost a few brain cells. Mr. Benn, congratulations. Everyone who has read your article is now dumber for it.">