Hacker faces 20 years in prison for helping ISIS

Recently the US made a breakthrough in its efforts to fight pro-terrorist hackers.

(TechNews)- Ardit Ferizi a citizen of Kosovo was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a judge for hacking a company and stealing the information of 1,300 government and military personnel and help ISIS create a hit list.

According to Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, this is countries first conviction for hacking which is terrorism related. Ferizi was arrested by Malaysian police on behalf of US and pleaded guilty on June 15th.

Ferizi didn’t get the maximum prison sentence of 35 years which the prosecutors were looking for but they are happy with 20 years because it will act as a warning.

“The case “sends a message” to those who’d materially support terrorist groups and also makes clear that the US will come after you and you’ll get much more than a slap on the wrist,” says Carlin.

(Photo Credit: TechNews)

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