Glock pulls wildcard, announces RTF2 Gen 3s are back

Fans of scalloped slide serrations and cheese-grater grips can rejoice as Glock has announced that the G17, G19, and G22 Gen3s are now available again with RTF2 grips. reports

In a post across social media Friday, Glock says there are limited quantities of the now-classic design available with G17 and G22 offerings in the choice between standard or scalloped serrations on the rear slide while the G19 only has standard serrations.

Best yet, while the Gen 4 and 5s are verboten in the Golden State due to microstamping, the scalloped serration Gen 3 offering is still California-compliant.

Introduced in 2009, Glock came out with an updated version of their Gen 3 models that featured a very aggressive grip pattern dubbed the “Rough Texture Finish, Version 2,” commonly just called RTF2. While some loved it, others panned it as being too coarse on their hands and clothes, and it wasn’t carried over to the new Gen 4 lines.

In 2012, Colion Noir declared the G19 RTF2 his “IDPA gun of choice.”

Since then, with the exception of a few limited runs, the scalloped serrations and RTF2 finish had been put to pasture, making the guns desirable with collectors and fans of the pattern.">