According to United Gun Group
George Zimmerman has accepted a legitimate bid of $130,000 for his gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin in self defense.
Zimmerman in in the process of confirming assets of the winner and his or her funds before the sale is finalized.
We asked the owner of United Gun Group why he chose to allow this auction when Gun Broker would not. He said simply: ” We started United Gun Group dot com because other social media sites were dictating morality and forcing ethics or community standards on the masses via their terms and conditions. My personal opinion of what George should or should not do is irrelevant, what is clear is that he has the legal right to sell his gun and as long as he does it in a legal manner, we should not stop him.”
Do you think it is right of United Gun Group to allow this auction on their site?
Do you think he could have gotten more money?
Comment Below or on this post and let us know your opinion.