Facebook’s War- Repeated attacks against Constitutional Conservative pages
By Spike Bowan
©FrogDogWriting 2014
The continuous attacks from Facebook and Liberal Trolls (a.k.a. SHEEP) against Conservative and or Constitutional/Libertarian pages continues. Not too long ago it was the FB page “Uncle Sams Misguided Children”. This time the shot’s have been fired at us.
TJ was banned for 30 days (3rd time)
Sig was banned for 12 hours
Frag was banned for 12 hours
They are doing everything possible to shut us up.
The reported violation was a shared LINK to our Tumblr page on Christmas Day!!!!!!!!!!
That was a month ago and it was just a link.

Pages that promote/advocate violence against Conservative, Libertarian and Christian’s are allowed to remain though. Hell, I saw a guy that had a very sexually explicit profile pic of a woman and man having intercourse; and when it was reported the Zuckerberg Police said that there was nothing wrong with it.
The fact of the matter is, that the wedge is being driven in between ALL AMERICAN people! The intent is to DIVIDE us. If we are divided, we can be controlled. If we stand UNITED, then we are unbeatable and the “MACHINE” has NO POWER OVER US! When I was in the service, it didn’t matter what your religion, race or gender was. We all did our job, kicked ass and then partied our asses off! I am astounded at how truly divided and/or apathetic our Nation is.
These attempts to silence us have not succeeded. It has only made us stronger and MORE UNITED! We will not go quietly into the night! We the People will not be silenced! If we fall, BY GOD AS MY WITNESS, WE WILL GO DOWN SWINGING! ONE VOICE WILL TURN INTO A THOUSAND, THEN A MILLION. WE ARE HERE TO STAY!
God Bless you and God Bless the Republic of the United States!