Donate Ammunition for the FASTER Program

According to I2I

Independence Institute’s FASTER (Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response) program trains armed school staffers to stop school violence quickly and administer medical aid immediately.

In order to maintain their certification, these staffers need to meet annual training requirements, and in order to do so, they need ammunition. In fact, depending on the level, FASTER classes require between 500-800 rounds of ammunition for each class member.

Economic uncertainty and the real threat of anti-gun action by the federal and state government has made ammunition scarce and unaffordable.

So, we are asking for your help to give ammunition via a first-of-its-kind Ammo Drive. Our goal is 50,000 roundsenough to get us through the 2021 FASTER Colorado training season.

How to make your tax-deductible ammunition donation:

  • To donate a case (or even a box or two), please email Laura Carno (, the Executive Director of FASTER Colorado. Include in your email:
    a. What you will be donating
    b. When you would like to drop it off at Independence Institute (we’re open M-F, 9am-5pm)
  • Laura will send you a form to fill out to document your donation and the market value for tax deduction.
  • Drop off your ammunition donation and form to:

Independence Institute
727 East 16th Avenue
Denver, CO 80203

A few additional notes:

  • If you prefer to order the ammunition and ship to us directly, please use the following address:

Independence Institute
Attn: Josh Williams, Donor Relations
727 East 16th Avenue
Denver, CO 80203

  • We need 9mm and .40 caliber, nothing smaller (e.g. no .380 or .22LR).
  • If you are a gun store or ammunition manufacturer who can donate cases, we’d love to hear from you to organize delivery or pickup. Again, you can contact Laura Carno (
  • Finally, by visiting the FASTER Colorado site, you can donate financially to FASTER to help us purchase ammunition for class members

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! And thank you in advance from the many armed school staff members protecting our schoolchildren every day.">