This deputies experience definitely highlights the importance of constantly training for any situation!
A West Virginia sheriff’s deputy has posted a harrowing account of her fight with a suspect on Facebook in order to, as she puts it, to give “a swift kick in the ass to a lot of cops.”
Brooke County Sheriff’s Deputy Kristen Richmond and three of her colleagues were called to Bethany College early Friday to respond to a report of a man throwing things out a third-floor dorm window. After they arrived, Richmond encountered 21-year-old Brandon Jackson, whom she said “was gooned up on an unknown drug.”
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Richmond said she and Jackson fought for “about five minutes.”
“During said altercation, my glasses were shattered and knocked off my face, none of my radio transmissions got out, and a ton of equipment was stripped from my vest and duty belt,” wrote Richmond, who added that the suspect was not deterred by being partially handcuffed or being attacked by Richmond’s K9 partner.
“He wasn’t there. The drug had consumed every part of him,” Richmond wrote.
At one point, Richmond said Jackson “reached for my duty weapon” and credited her training for not using deadly force against him.
“I’ve been…