Coronavirus said to be a Global Pandemic

According to Atlas.News

The World Health Organization has declared the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic as over 4,700 people have died and another 130,000 have become infected, including over 68,000 recoveries. While Chinese health officials believe the virus has passed its peak in China, the virus continues to quickly grow throughout the rest of the world. Italy has quarantined 10 million people and has ordered the closure of all non essential stores and restaurants, leaving only pharmacies and grocery stores open in the country. Twenty six countries have fully closed or suspended school due to the virus, affecting 377 million students, while another 24 countries have had localized closings, according to UNESCO. The UnitedStates has banned the travel to 26 European countries to help stop the spread, however, community spreading from unknown origins continue. Stocks continue to fall sharply, with the Dow dropping from 29,551 on February 12 to 21,482 as of today. Three days ago the stock trading circuit breaker was tripped, stopping trading for 15 minutes to curb trading caused by mass panic from investors.">