Clinton DOA? Just How Sick is The Demo Runner?

American Thinker writes-

Numerous conservative websites are reporting on the fact that prior to Hillary’s possible seizure and collapse at the 9/11 ceremony, she was wearing a pair of cobalt blue sunglasses.  They note that Z1 cobalt blue lenses manufactured by Zeiss are known to have a preventive effect on seizures associated with epilepsy and are widely used for that purpose.  Such lenses block most of the red spectrum of light, that part considered most likely to induce seizures in people who have photo-sensitivities associated with neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s, which share some common symptoms.

What’s even more disturbing is what is revealed in this picture from the 9/11 ceremony.  Hillary is wearing the blue glasses, sure enough, but she has a woman holding her left arm, wrist upturned, who appears to be continuously monitoring her pulse.  Also, the large black man who has been Hillary’s constant public attendee (and rumored to be carrying an anti-seizure injector) hovers but a single step away.  One other tell from this picture is Hillary’s right hand being held to her chest, an abnormal posture for a walking human but a common one for those with Parkinson’s, who employ it to mask both tremors and unnatural finger positioning and movement of the fingers, as well as a phenomenon called pill-rolling most usually associated with that disease.

It’s understandable that the Democrats don’t want to admit they selected a very sick person to represent their party simply because she had dutifully waited her turn back in 2008 so the first black president could precede the first female president.

RedState writes-

“Her people,” said Klein, a former New York Times editor, “have been calling people like me conspiracy theorists because for the last two years of more I’ve been reporting that Bill Clinton’s greatest fear is that Hillary will collapse in public and reveal that she is not fit for the commander-in-chief role, and Sunday that’s exactly what happened.”

Fox’s Sean Hannity dedicated an entire week to the matter, pointing to an exchange with reporters in which Clinton, Hannity said, did a “twitching thing,” followed by a “violent, violent, repetitive jerking of the head.” So jarred by the behavior, the Fox host said, Associated Press reporter Lisa Lerer “got scared” and pulled back.

American Conservitaive-

Mrs. Clinton clearly suffered a syncopal episode while getting into that van today. The “overheating” excuse is just ridiculous – a normal healthy individual would never do that type of thing in 80 degree weather unless they had just completed a marathon or something profoundly strenuous. That just does not occur. That immediately puts the lie to the “overheated” excuse that her campaign came up with.

Well you say – could it have been a fainting spell? Possible – but in my 30 years experience as a physician, “fainting spells” or vasovagal episodes do not usually require 4 or 5 people to throw someone in a van. Furthermore – in that type of event the person almost always slinks straight down or backwards – NOT FORWARDS. Mrs. Clinton very clearly is going forward.

I see the metal object in that video – I haven’t a clue what that could be – nothing in my experience as a physician looks quite like that – could it have been an inkpen? Regardless – the far far more telling issue that you can clearly see in that video around the time the metal is dropped is Mrs. Clinton’s right foot. It was clearly being dragged along the street with the anterior portion down on the concrete. I am certain this is how the shoe came off. The comportment of this foot could only mean one thing – her brain or her spinal cord was offline – if ever so fleeting – during that moment. Her right foot was acutely flaccid. There are but a few things that can cause this type of issue:

BRAIN or Spinal Cord TRAUMA – no way this happened

An overdose of powerful sedatives or general anesthesia – again – this seems to not be the case

A seizure – not likely – this type of thing usually occurs in the post-ictal phase after a tonic-clonic seizure – and people who are having this type of thing – DO NOT WALK TO A VAN.

A Stroke or TIA – It is possible but not likely – given her interview on the street just an hour later. It would have had to have been a very very fast TIA or transient ischemic attack to recover this quickly – the recovery on this is usually hours or days.

The most likely diagnosis – in my mind – an acute cardiac arrhythmia – either ventricular tachycardia – or more likely atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. A FIB with RVR is very very commonly associated with people feeling flushed or overheated – for quite extended periods of time – dizziness and nausea are also possible. When they exert themselves – it is not unusual at all for them to have complete syncope like she appeared to do today. If not afib with RVR – it is possible there could have been some other supraventricular tachycardia – there are several different types.

There are a ton of tin foil hat conspiracies surrounding the Clinton health debate, granted most of them are Uncle Jerry crazy, but I still feel like there is some truth in this.  There is something wrong, but why don’t we know, could her health make her not fit to take office?">