Category: WTF?!?!
Venezuelan Military Releases Video to Intimidate U.S. Marines. Fails!
Venezuela tried… and fucking failed! Not just on socialism but on social media as well after they released a video trying to Intimidate the United States Marines. The video itself should definitely be put under comedy as the socialist country probably couldn’t even afford to shoot live rounds so they edited in the machine gun […]
Read MoreChester the molester meet angry father with a gun!
A video has surfaced on liveleak of a Father armed with a flashlight and handgun confronting a peeping tom he caught staring in his childrens bedroom window. The creeper had used a bicycle to be able to see inside the room. The father was tipped off after a neighbor had called to inform him of […]
Read MoreMS-13 Member Out On Bail Kills Rival Gang Member On Subway. *Graphic*
An MS-13 gang member who was out on bail for attempted murder killed a rival gang member shooting him in the face in broad daylight on a NYC subway platform. Several shots were fired during the brutal attack and the suspect who pulled the trigger, Ramiro Gutierrez, was apprehended Monday. According to Fox News The suspected […]
Read MoreWhen it come to tasers, some like it hot! *Graphic*
Tasers in general are less than lethal and usually subdue the attacker or suspect with little to no lasting effects or injuries. However, outside a restaurant in Philadelphia a man was tased by security outside the establishment after he refused to leave. After getting hit his pants burst into flames with many outlets reporting there […]
Read MoreUPDATE! Boom Headshot! Pakistani’s celebratory gunfire cut short! *Graphic Video*
UPDATE: More cellphone videos have emerged of the accident. Do not look down the barrel of a firearm period. Loaded or unloaded. Never point your gun at something you don’t intend to shoot. How many times have we all heard these rules of gun safety or something similar to it? Well apparently someone in the […]
Read MoreAfghan Soldier Gets wrecked by IED. *Extremely Graphic*
Warning the following video is extremely graphic. A video posted to FUNKER530 shows exactly what kind of reality our soldiers fighting overseas face. The video shows an Afghan National Army soldier embedded with a couple american soldiers. After talking with the sergeant the afghan soldier walks through a choke point and all hell breaks loose. […]
Read MoreIllinois Assault weapons registration bill Paves the way for more Anti-Gun Bullsh*t!
The Great state of Illinois is moving yet again to restrict its citizens 2nd Amendment rights by passing even more unconstitutional gun control laws. The gun grabbers seem to believe that gun control works despite various incidents that disprove this. See Chicago. Some of the strictest gun control in the country yet gun related crimes […]
Read MoreDemocrat REPLACES POW/MIA flag with trans flag.
First off, there no issue with you wanting to show your cause or fly a flag just so long as you do it appropriately… This however is the most disrespectful shit we have seen in a awhile. She could have just added the trans flag. But no, She straight up replaced the POW/MIA Flag ultimately […]
Read MoreTSA Employees Say F*ck-it, let a gun go overseas!
Some, and trust us we know it is just some, TSA employees have been cutting loose by allegedly responding to the shutdown by calling in sick, playing music over the intercoms, walking off the job, or in this case letting a gun fly across the pond all the way to Tokyo. At some point the […]
Read MoreK9 Handler relieved of duty after shooting small dog! *Graphic Video*
Again, we’d like to say first off we support law enforcement. We stand behind our nations LEOs and 100% support what they do. This time a K-9 handler slotted a small dog in his owners yard after it does what most small dogs do, run up barking but not much else. A simple boot away […]
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