Can President Trump fix the Disaster that is the V.A.?

Wasting no time, President Trump is in Full Throttle his first week in the Oval Office.

He is already showing massive initiative in repealing “Obama-Care”, building the Border wall, halting migrant influx into the U.S. and more.

But as a Veteran, I want to know what and how. What does he plan to do about the V.A. and How does he intend to fix it.

As a retired Paramedic, I have seen the disgusting disaster that is Veterans Affairs. Time and time again, I would be diverted from taking patients tot he V.A.’s Emergency room under the pretense that they had no room and were full up; only to find dozens of E.R. staff standing around with their thumbs up their backsides and not a single patient in the exam rooms.

Filthy exam rooms, near zero infection control protocols being observed and practiced, rancid cafeterias and every other patient being discharged/transferred has a staph infection.

I have seen it all when it comes to the V.A.

So what does President Trump plan to do about it? Because I have gone without Medical Coverage, because I refuse to subject myself to the abomination that is Veterans Healthcare.">