Boise Suburb Declares Itself Second Amendment Sanctuary

According to Firearm Chronicles 

For a while, it seemed like counties were embracing the status of Second Amendment sanctuaries at a breathtaking rate. No matter where we looked, it seemed counties and cities were declaring themselves to be places where the Second Amendment would be respected no matter what the state or federal governments decided to do.

It was pretty damn awesome, really, especially in answer to those who declared themselves sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.

Yet, over time, momentum slowed down. In fairness, many places were a little preoccupied. You might have heard of that whole global pandemic thing? Yeah, that kind of sucked all the air out of the room for a lot of things.

Now, though, things have been settling down more or less and we’re starting to see more sanctuary communities.

The city of Eagle has declared itself a Second Amendment sanctuary city, making it the second Treasure Valley city to do so, after Star passed a similar resolution in July.

The City Council voted unanimously for the measure, igniting a round of applause from residents attending Tuesday’s meeting.

The “sanctuary status” is largely symbolic. In its resolution, Eagle declared that it would opposed the enactment of legislation that would “infringe upon the rights of people to keep and bear arms.”

But Idaho’s Legislature has rarely pushed for measures to increase gun control — and, in fact, in recent years has passed measures that would reduce restrictions. In 2019, for example, the Legislature lowered the age at which one could carry a concealed weapon to 18 from 21.">