Black Lives Matter and Anti-Mandate Protesters Join to Rally for Kyrie Irving

According to The Gateway Pundit

Black Lives Matter and anti-mandate protesters joined forced to storm Brooklyn’s Barclays Center on Sunday in support of Kyrie Irving, an NBA player who has been banned from playing for not being vaccinated.

The Brooklyn Nets player was barred from playing in home games and has been essentially shelved from the team.

The unlikely mix of protesters from across the political spectrum were chanting “Stand With Kyrie” as they burst through the doors during Sunday’s game.

In a statement to Fox News, a spokesperson for Barclays Center said that the scheduled game proceeded according to schedule despite the brief interruption from protesters.

“Barclays Center briefly closed its doors today in order to clear protestors from the main doors on the plaza and ensure guests could safely enter the arena,” the statement said. “Only ticketed guests were able to enter the building and the game proceeded according to schedule.”">