Below the Radar: Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act

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New York – -( With a lot of the focus being on modern multi-purpose semiautomatic long-guns like the AR-15 rifle, we forget that anti-Second Amendment extremists have other targets as well. Perhaps the most notable, despite the landmark Heller and McDonald cases, are handguns. When you think about it, targeting handguns make for a more practical (even if they are protected under the Second Amendment) target, especially when looking at the Justice Department’s crime stats.

We should not forget that Sarah Brady long ago called for a “needs-based licensing” scheme. Well, the first step to getting there is to actually get any kind of licensing scheme passed, and the two who are trying to make that infringement on our Second Amendment rights happen are Representative Jamie Raskin & Senator Chris Van Hollen via the Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act. In the House, this bill is known as HR 3285, while the Senate version is S 1844.

In a release by Raskin’s office, he is surprisingly open about what he wants. Not only is the National Instant Check System not enough – he wants those who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights to have to go to the police station, provide a photo, and be fingerprinted like some common criminal. All of this because of crimes and acts of madness they did NOT commit.