Ball Point Tyranny
By: Spike Bowan
Like Nero playing his fiddle as the city burns, Obama grins at us. Gloating, basking in his own radiance of grandeur. The pen is mightier than the will of the American people. At least that’s what Barry thinks. Hiding behind his Czar’s and Media Phalanx. Obama is destroying the Constitution bit by sacred bit. Like moth’s slowly chewing away at a coat in the closet, Mr. Obama and his cronies slowly nibble away at the Republic.
Executive Action is NOT LAW! He is not the first President to use Executive Orders; but to my knowledge, no other President has tried to skirt the law and democratic process so frequently and fervently as this one has. “5 million criminal aliens are to be allowed to stay in our nation” when he signs a unilateral order to that effect today.
WE THE PEOPLE are letting this happen.
WE THE PEOPLE are too complacent sitting behind our computers and TV’s being Monday Morning Quarterbacks or Keyboard Commandos.
Sure, it’s easy to sit there and complain, scream and rant on the Internet. It’s not real life. It’s Virtual.
A few people are standing against Emperor Obama though. Senator Ted Cruz: