US bacon reserves hit 50 year low!!!!
This is it!!! Armageddon is upon us!!!! The Bacon is running out!! ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! I REPEAT!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!!
Bacon prices are sky rocketing since the news of the shortage came out! I went into the grocery store and the bacon shelves were empty. Even the Turkey Bacon was gone. I mean it’s TURKEY BACON!!! REALLY?
I have one pound of delicious bacon perfection in my freezer, and I am keeping that sh*t under lock and key! Dammit, I just bought a new bacon press too.
According to Fox News:
Prices have already spiked 20% last month.
As of December, there were 17.8 million pounds of frozen pork belly, which is made into bacon, in US reserves, according to the Department of Agriculture. The lowest level since record-keeping began in January 1957.
As for when we were most flush with frozen pork belly, that would be 1988, when there were 113.1 million pounds on hand.
So, stock up on what you can. Bacon could very well become more precious than Gold. As if it wasn’t already. MMmmmm…..Bacon.