Artist Tired of idiots having sex with bush!

I bet a well hidden mouse trap might put a stop to it.

FoxNews reports

A topiary artist in Sheffiend, England, says he’s sick of having to make regular repairs to a shrub he cut into the shape of a naked lady because drunk people keep pretending to have sex with it.

Keith Talson has described his frustration with people approaching “Gloria,” and claims the drunken antics are damaging her shape.

He said the first time he noticed someone mimicking sexual activity with Gloria about three weeks ago.

topiary lady swns

“It’s offensive and appalling and is damaging her figure — privets don’t respond well to being manipulated like that,” he said.  (SWNS)

“I heard a noise outside my window at about 4.30 in the morning and there was a man making moves by climbing on top of her and moving her legs as if he was having sex with her…