Benghazi Warrior Chooses LIFE over the gun

That Was All That Remain’s newest video Madness.  In the video they depict the struggles of a veteran with his personal demons.  In this gritty video the show the powerful battle some vets fight every day.  Painting it in the harsh light of what the battle still is for some warriors.  Where most people cover up the fact that more and more Veterans are taking their lives, Kris and All that remains show this TRUE REALITY.

Phil LaBonte, lead singer of All that Remains, had this to say about making the video.

We are really happy we could make this happen.  Most people know I’m a vet and most of my close friends are vets, so to be able to bring attention to a reality a lot of people are struggling with is an honor.  Especially when you can do it with friends like Kris.

He goes on to say.

I met Kris about 4 years ago at Shot Show.  I was familiar with his story, and he was a fan of our band.  We became friends quickly, so when we were discussing my history with the military and the vet community we came up with the idea to have Kris be in a video and make a statement about something that was close to us.  We were excited that he said yes and are absolutely thrilled with his performance.

Kris says:

Madness has much to do with PTSD, I hate to call it a disorder, I don’t think its a disorder, I see it as a badge of honor, all of you out there have gottn’ that by going through things that people normal can’t handle.  If this can help anyone get through to another day which friends like Phil has helped me, then I think we are on the right track, and we are putting veterans first.  By showing that there are things that effect you, but you can get through these things as long as you are willing to take a step forward and overcome that obstacle, and never give up.  If you are having a problem get your ranger buddy, call your battle buddy and talk to at least one person.  Don’t feel afraid to open up and get that out.">