NAACP Shuts Down First and Second Amendment

A gun range owner in New Jersey has put up a sign that has stirred up some local controversy. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) got wind of the sign and demanded it be removed, calling it racist. The owner defends his sign and says it’s not about racism; it’s about principle.

 The billboard in question reads, “The only time we take a knee.” It follows with an image of a soldier holding a gun. Many local liberals were offended because they felt the sign was racist. They believed it was mocking the NFL players who take a knee during the National Anthem to protest racial inequality and police brutality.

Locals began urging people to call and complain about the billboard. A photo of the billboard began circulating on Twitter to ‘expose’ the ‘racist billboard’ and the owner of the organization. The NAACP even chimed in to condemn the sign.

“We’re talking about police murdering unarmed black people,” said Keith Blenson Sr., member of the NAACP, referring to the reason behind the anthem protests.

Blenson says the shooting club deserves disrespect and any complaints that they get because of the sign. ” But they probably thought they were clever. They probably thought they were strong, patriotic Americans,” Blenson added.

“We’re living in a very difficult time right now. People are trying to stand up for black and brown people to say, ‘Hey this is not right.’ That sign really is just mocking the idea of taking a knee,” said another person.

It’s ironic that people arguing that NFL players should be free to protest things they disagree with don’t believe the gun club owner deserves the same rights. But the owner isn’t backing down.

Wesley Aducat says of the billboard message, “It has absolutely nothing to do with race. It’s just support for our veterans.”

Aducat actually says he believes the NFL players have a right to protest and he’s not trying to stop them. He would prefer if they stand for the anthem, but he doesn’t believe they should be forced to do so.

However, he also says that most of the members of his shooting club are veterans, and he appreciates how hurtful and disrespectful this protest is to people who fought for everyone to be free and safe.

The argument…