Teenage Mutant Radioactive Japanese Boars!!!!!

Toxic wild boars reportedly stalk Fukushima residents

Hey Texas!!! Your wild pig problem maybe bad, but at least those hogs aren’t radioactive!!!!

Fox News and the New York Times are reporting that the area surrounding the Fabled Fukushima Reactor, are infested with radioactive boars that are roaming the area and even living in abandoned homes.

With at least 800 glow in the dark boars killed thus far by hired hunters, Japan still has a long way to go to cull the herds of horrific hogs.

Maybe Japan should allow aerial hunting like the U.S. Midwest has done to aid in the hunts.

Only time will tell if the Fukushima disaster will have any other effects on the surrounding landscape and its denizens.

Fox News Reports:

Hundreds of boars carrying highly radioactive material are reportedly stalking residents hoping the Japanese town of Fukushima six years after the meltdown of the nuclear plant.

The New York Times reported that city officials are working to clear out the contaminated boar population in the area. Japan is set to allow residents to return to their homes in some areas near the plant. These city officials worry that these boars will attack returning residents. Some of these animals are reportedly living in abandoned homes.

“We need a strong hunting plan,” Hidekiyo Tachiya, the mayor of a nearby town called Soma. “I wish for the day to come when we can eat wild game again.”

Hunters have been reportedly hired and have so far killed about 800.

The report points out that boar meat is a delicacy in northern Japan, but the animals in the area are considered too toxic to eat.

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