First Aid- Seizures/Head Injuries

TRAINING TIME! I am going to keep this short sweet and to the point.

There are many myths as to what a person is supposed to do in the event of a seizure. I have seen many situations both as a Hospital Corpsman and as a Paramedic that would make your head spin. (pun intended)

If a person is having a seizure, and they are convulsing wildly you just have to let them go through it. It is horrific to watch especially if the person going through the seizure is a family member or loved one. It can be intense if you’re not used to it. The patient will most likely be incontinent and urinate themselves. Try to move potential hazards out of their way. Furniture, small nuclear weapons, etc…

DON’T HOLD THEM DOWN! DON’T PUT SOMETHING IN THEIR MOUTH! Contrary to “urban myth” it is physically impossible to swallow your own tongue during a seizure. Unless the person bites their tongue off and then swallows it. Even then, if the person ends up having an obstructed airway you can’t help them until they become post ictal (post seizure state)anyway.

All your going to do by trying to place a spoon or bite stick in the persons mouth during a seizure is cause damage to the airway, teeth and possibly yourself.

Place the patient on their Left side if possible once the seizure is complete. Don’t forget to that you should have called 911 at some point. My brethren will be there in a jiffy.



I can’t tell you how many times I have responded to the nursing homes in my area for a patient who fell and hit their head; and the dumb ass LPN or RN has put the patient back in bed or their wheel chair. Meanwhile the patients pupils are blown(indicative of head trauma/intracranial bleeding), they’re leaking Cerebral Spinal Fluid out of their damn ear and they have an altered mental status with a massive hematoma (goose egg/bump) on their head! Good job Certified Nursing Ass Wiper! You just killed the patient!

but I digress…


Only move the patient if there are immediate life threats: i.e. a comet is going to fall on them, downed electrical wires, car is going to explode; you know… Murphy’s law kind of stuff.

Call 911!

Maintain C-spine! With your hands on either side of their head, hold their head in a neutral in line position. Be sure not to obstruct the patients airway. If they’re conscious talk to them. Let them know what is happening and what you’re doing. Any information you can get for the Paramedics can help. Medications, Medical history, etc…


You can use an improvised Cervical collar, a wrapped up towel or jacket can work in a pinch. Not too tight. You don’t want to occlude the airway. You could also use the patients shoes as head blocks to further prevent them from moving their head and neck which can cause further damage to their spine.


Protect the patients airway. If the patient is going to vomit try to roll them on their side maintaining in line immobilization. Clear the airway when they’re done puking. Control bleeding if needed. Wait for EMS!

That is the crash course.

Stay safe out there!">