Officers 2 year old son, shoots self with Parents service weapon

Cleveland police ID officer after toddler son dies

I can’t stress how important it is to always observe firearm safety. My heart goes out to the family of this little one and feel that no words I have can offer light to how horrific and tragic this situation is.

Now, we don’t know the full details about this story, and it is easy to succumb to arm chair quarterbacking. Let’s be better than that, and just reiterate the importance of firearm safety. Always secure your firearm and munitions in a place that is inaccessible to children.

Fox News Reports:

“Police have identified a veteran Cleveland officer whose 2-year-old son died after apparently shooting himself with his father’s service weapon.

A Cleveland police statement Saturday morning says the investigation is in its early stages and that there have been no arrests made.

Police identify the officer as 54-year-old Jose Pedro, hired in 1993.

Officers responded to a home in the northeast Ohio city around 10:30 a.m. Friday. Police say the child was taken to a hospital where he died from his injury.

Neighbors told reporters that the child’s older brother came running out of the house yelling for someone to call 911 because his brother had just shot himself.”
