Mizzou race activist hijacks Orlando vigil
Mizzou race activist hijacks Orlando vigil as gay community rebukes her.
Social Justice Warriors more times than not, do more harm than good. This girl gets on stage, with hundreds in attendance for a vigil for the lives lost in Orlando, and she makes it about race.
No unity. No collective grieving. Race. “…I was nervous getting on stage….There are so many white people here….That’s not a joke….”
You racist little moron. You preach unity, and equality. But what you really want is the demonetization of Whites.
Notice though, the LGBTQ community is waking up! They are standing up and speaking out against this hate from the Left. The Left that supposedly “represents” them. SJW’s need to realize that “WE” as a nation, are fed up with their rhetoric and violence and we will not allow it anymore. It is time to stand together as a Nation. Doesn’t matter your race, gender, orientation, religion.
We have a common enemy. The evil that slaughters innocents, beheads children, rapes women, genocides Christians and Jews, hangs gays for their orientation. ISIS and Radical Islam want to destroy all we hold dear. And that includes self entitled little shits like this social justice race baiting warrior in this video.