If firearm owners were such “Villains” as the Left and anti-gun media would have you believe, don’t you think that their false narrative would be made “true” at the gathering of over 80K gun owners?
Miguel @ GunFreeZone.net posted this rather interesting bit of evidence. In his article he posted maps with the 3 weeks prior’s statistics to the NRA Annual meeting in correlation to the weekend of said gathering. For matters of brevity, I only used the weekend just before.
It’s still jaw dropping! Next to NO CRIME in the entire area when a shit ton of gun owners are around.
2nd Amendment supporters- One; Anti-Gunners- ZERO! Sorry loony Lefties, your argument is invalid. Bye Felicia.
For Miguel’s full article, click here!
Here is the Map Key/Legend so you know what is what.
This map shows crime in the area the week before the NRA Gun Show.
This map is from the weekend of the NRA Gun Show: