10 Safe April Fools Day jokes that never go wrong

10 Safe April Fools Day jokes that never go wrong

1- Replace oreo cream with toothpaste.

2- Replace Cola with lemonade and soy sauce.


3- The Old “Vaseline on the doorknob” gag


4- Put baby powder or confetti in all the air conditioning vents in the car of the intended victim. Aim all slats upward and crank the controls to max!


5- Walk around telling Co-workers “April Fools!” without having done anything.

6- Tap an Air Horn under co-workers office chair.


7- Put a piece of clear tape over the sensor on a remote control or computer mouse.


8- Get a buddies boss to pretend fire him.

This cruel prank is possibly the most difficult to set up.

You will probably have to know your pal’s boss personally in order to get them to agree to play their part.

fire you boss

9- Draw a spider on a roll of toilet paper.


10- When they aren’t looking, take a friends phone and switch the operating language.


